Laura Kittrell Photography


Baby Shepherd (birth--pictures)

Families, Life, Photography, UncategorizedLaura KittrellComment

On November 13, 2013 I had the absolute privilege of photographing a birth. This was the first one I have done for someone who is not a family member. I have known Annie for a long time! She contacted me about wanting me to be present for the birth a bit before and I was just thrilled. This was Annie's third baby, she and Chop's were not finding about the sex of the baby, and Annie was planning on going natural. Oh my word. Can we talk about what a rockstar she was? She had everything against her. She was induced, they broke her water, and she was three weeks early! Gracious me....but she did it! She was so amazing! After several LONG hours of labor that precious boy made his grand entrance! Chops was also incredible as helpful! They were such a great team! He helped her as she went through the pain and the exhausting task of delivering baby Shep. I shared the video I put together a bit ago but wanted to share some pictures as well. Sweet husband...

Really...aren't the precious? Can't you just see all of the emotion from the work to the relief when he is finally here! I cried and cried as the baby entered the world! :)

Thank you Annie and Chops for letting me be apart of this emotional and special day! Y'all are precious friends and I am so grateful for you!

Sarah Nell and Christian (married)

Photography, Uncategorized, WeddingsLaura KittrellComment

Sarah Nell and Christian were married in Mobile at the Magnolia Manor. It was a bit of a dreary day and we were afraid that rain might come that way! Thankfully, the rain held off and it was such a beautiful ceremony!  Sarah Nell and Christian had a ceremony where the Lord was truly glorified. These two have been together for a while and this wedding had been a long time coming! I have known Say for a very long time! It was such an incredible privilege to photograph her wedding! Here are just some of their special day!

Such a handsome groom!

They are related if you couldn't tell! :)

I love this of Sarah Nell and her twin sister!

How beautiful is she?

Her sweet momma!

I love this of Say looking out the window watching her guests arrive!

Congrats Say and Christian! What a perfect day this was! Thank you for letting me be a small part of your day! :)

John Shepherd (Birth)

UncategorizedLaura KittrellComment

This past November I received one of the greatest gifts. I have gotten to take lots of pictures of some precious friends but this might have taken the cake. My dear friend Annie was having her third baby. She contacted me months before because she had seen the video that I had done for my sister when she had her baby. Annie was planning on a natural delivery for this third baby and also wasn't planning on finding out what she was having. She knew she wanted those moments captured! I was SO EXCITED! I LOVED being there when my sister had Lucy but felt so incredibly honored to be able to be in the room for a friend I have known my whole life. It is such a treasure.

Annie's due date was December the 5th. Because I teach school I wasn't certain if I would be able to be there or not. Well, God had some different plans. Due to some blood pressure issues, on November 13th Annie went to the doctor and they decided they needed to induce her.  Now, I have never had a baby. I saw Amy go through natural labor so I knew a little of what to expect. However, being induced, having your water broken, and all of it happening almost 3 weeks earlier than planned is not an ideal situation for a natural birth. Y'all, Annie was a champ. She did an incredible job!! I am so grateful for the privilege I had to watch as they welcomed little Shepherd into the world. I cried as I watched her deliver this sweet baby boy. Thank you Chops and Annie for letting me be a small part of one of the most intimate moments!!

An Evening With Lucy

Life, Portraits, UncategorizedLaura KittrellComment

Recently I have been playing around with video on my camera. I am by no means a pro but I love the idea of adding stills with video. The combination is so special. A couple of months ago I took some video of the routine that Amy and Jeff go through with Lucy almost each night. I think those moments are so special and I know parents probably rush through the evenings with their kiddos. I almost wish I would have done this at an earlier phase to see how the routine changes! I know moments are fleeting and that something as simple as a routine at night is worth capturing! :) Again, I am no pro but here is a little glimpse into Lucy's eveningroutine...


LBK, Life, UncategorizedLaura KittrellComment

I get the urge to write in this little space at the most random of times. Sadly, those random times have become few and far between. I hate that. I thought I'd catch up a little bit since I have started school....


wishing for......fall weather. In general, I am a summer girl to the core but, I can't help but wish for some boot and scarf weather! :)

reading.....One Thousand Gifts and it is so so good. It is such a great reminder for me to stop, look around, and be thankful for EVERY little thing. So often I am thankful for the big things but not the little things that might happen each day.

Unknown-1.jpeg know if the new baby Jacobs will be a boy or a girl! :)

wanting....this camera. I have been saving and am almost there...


thanking....the Lord for His faithfulness and continued provision blog about Lucy's first birthday!

IMG_0439.jpg husband and how hard he has been working for us

clinging to....."I am the Lord, I do not change!" -Malachi 3:6

praying...for joy in all circumstances!

thinking....about everything going on these next few weeks and how busy it will be.

feeling....tired and needing to get to bed :)



LBK, UncategorizedLaura KittrellComment

25 years young. I cannot believe I am 25 today. I saw something on a blog the other day about making a list of things you are thankful for on your birthday each year based on how many years you are. no particular order at all....twenty five things I am oh so thankful for...both silly and serious.

1. An amazing school to work at each that encourages me.

2. A family who is so close and loves each other so much.

3. A Savior who loves, provides, and cares so deeply for me.

4. My three precious nieces.

5. A husband who plays with my hair every night as I go to sleep.

6. diet coke

7. Early mornings in God's Word.

8. Natural light

9. My bed

10. Our church family and worshipping with the nations.

11. Candles

12. My camera that has captured so many memories.

13. Marcie :)

14. Mercies that are new each morning

15. A husband who can fix anything

16. A good workout

17. Pool days

18. Grace that has saved me and is continually poured on my life daily

19. Privilege to pray

20. My health

21. Generous and supportive parents and the greatest role models

22. A home that the Lord has blessed us with

23. Great friends

24. My husband. My sweet, hardworking, supportive husband.

25. Another year to serve the Lord and live for Him.

I am so very grateful for another year. I don't deserve all that I am given and all that I have been blessed with. May I know Him better and walk even closer with Him this year! :)

Charlotte turned April! Oops!

UncategorizedLaura KittrellComment

I am feeling a bit ashamed that I never blogged about this sweet girls birthday. I knew that we had two more birthdays this summer for Virginia and Lucy so I had to give this girl her own post! I hate that it is so late! So, in April we headed up to celebrate her first birthday! It is hard to believe that it had been a year since this baby came into our lives! You can watch her birth video here.

Charlotte Elizabeth is quite possibly the happiest baby ever. She is so sweet and so easy going. Currently she is very much on the move but she is so precious! We were so happy to celebrate her!

LiLi and her girls!

Excited for her cupcake! :)

Opening her presents....

Big sis was so excited for her baby sister!

Sweet family

Uncle Sam and Charlotte

Baby girl, you are so sweet and we love you so much! You were the best addition to our family and I am sure your parents agree! :)

Next up.....sweet Virginia's 4th birthday.

Merry Christmas!

UncategorizedLaura KittrellComment

Wishing you and your family a Happy Christmas!

The Lord has been so good to us this year and we are thankful for a time to celebrate the birth of the One who gives us life!


"And when they saw the star, they were overjoyed!"                                                                  -Matthew 2:10

he & she (august 2012)

he and she, UncategorizedLaura KittrellComment

:.. he and she ..:

She celebrated her 24th birthday!

And was incredibly spoiled by her family!

They welcomed a new niece who lives right across the street!

We are all pretty much in love with sweet Lucy!

   He encouraged her to pursue something that she loves!

And she made it official and began a side business of A Little From Laura Photography

They are excited to see where this goes!

She took lots of pictures between Lucy's birth and three other shoots.

He was so helpful and encouraging about everything!

They began school!

And are both really enjoying it!

He got really busy with starting football.....

They had a couple of days off because of hurricane Isaac.

They are realizing that now that summer is over things are about to get even busier!

But are both looking forward to fall and their 1 year anniversary in a couple of months! :)

P.S. They didn't even take a picture together. Boo...

Lucy's Birth Video

Family, Life, Photography, UncategorizedLaura KittrellComment

So, other than taking pictures, I also created a video of that special day that my sweet niece was born. She is such a blessing and this video shows her day from beginning to time contractions until she went home from the hospital. It's a long video but it was all too special to leave any part of it out! :) We are so thankful for this sweet baby!

Lucy Myer's Birth from Laura Kittrell on Vimeo.

" the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ out Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen."

-Jude 25