Laura Kittrell Photography

Sweet Little Charlotte

Family, LBK, PhotographyLaura KittrellComment
This past weekend Eric, Linds, V, and C came to visit! As always, the camera was ready and I had the privilege to snap some photos of my new niece....she was so sweet and happy just about the whole time!
love those toes
Little angel
She slept so soundly in that basket :)

Little hands
It's a challenge to choose a favorite...particularly when it is your niece!! :) Isn't she beautiful!?!?
And a blog post of one little niece just wouldn't be complete without a picture of the other...
This angel is so much fun and so sweet!! We had a lot of fun playing in the pool, swinging, and just playing together!
I happen to think she is beautiful too! :) 
Happy Tuesday!

6 Months

Life, the two of usLaura KittrellComment
Brett and I have officially made it to 6 months of marriage!
It has just flown by and I have learned so many things in this short time....
1. Expiration dates dont necessarily always apply....just saying.
2. Monthly meal planning and preparing grocery lists for the month has been a life saver!
3. To-do lists or simply projects you want done never end.
4. Falling asleep and waking up next to your best friend every single day is the best thing ever!
5. When you have a never feel like it is clean enough.
6. He produces WAY more laundry than I do. hmmmm....
7. His definition of cleanliness isn't exactly the same as mine. :) 
8. Being married is a lot of fun
9. It is also a lot of work
10. The Lord knew what He was doing when He decided that Brett would be the one to walk beside me for the rest of our lives.
I love you husband and am so thankful for the 6 happiest months of my life! You are the best!

Gardening Progress

Life, ProjectsLaura KittrellComment
So, I have to say, this is a super fun hobby! We are totally gardeners. I had no idea how fun it would be to walk out and see them change every single day! Well, in seeing these two pictures you can already tell we have progress.
Day 1...haha
After they were planted...
This week!!! WOW!! Look at how much everything has changed....
The first day I saw the tomatoes.....
This week....We have little clusters like this all over! So exciting! 
Jalapeños everywhere! 
Day 1 on the left and this week on the right, although this bell pepper is growing so quickly and others are popping up all over! 
Last but not least, we have a lovely zucchini and squash popping up as well! 
It really is so exciting that we have progress! 
We were only a little bit worried that things might not grow! :) Cannot wait to see more progress and finally be able to pick our veggies!