Laura Kittrell Photography


Lifestyle Favorites of 2017

Families, Maternity, Newborns, Photography, PortraitsLaura KittrellComment

I have had the incredible privilege of photographing so many special events and memories for people this year! As I started pulling my favorites I realized I had to break it down into lifestyle favorites and bridal, wedding, and engagement favorites. There are just too many to pick from! I have gotten to photograph several births, siblings meeting for the first time, newborn snuggles, special announcements, and the sweetest families! I am so grateful for those who have continued to allow me to photograph their special memories and those who let me in for the first time! Honestly, it has been an incredible year and such a privilege for me!! I am so grateful, and I cannot wait to see what 2018 has in store for this little business! 

Sadie (6 Months)

Families, Photography, PortraitsLaura KittrellComment

I'm sorry, but if seeing this precious family and little angel face doesn't make you melt I just don't know what will! I got to take Sadie's newborn photos, and I was so excited when her mom asked me to take her 6 month pictures as well! She was so good and gave me the most precious little faces! Her perfect strawberry hair and big blue eyes made for some beautiful pictures! I get to take more of her in just a few weeks and I cannot wait to see how much she has grown!! 

The Jones Family

Families, PhotographyLaura KittrellComment

I feel so blessed that I get to work with some of the sweetest families...not to mention good looking? :) This precious family goes to church with me, and I was so excited when they asked me to take some family photos for them. Look at those kiddos! Are they not the cutest? I love a session where I can get genuine smiles, but also some good serious faces as well!! Oh, and they braved one of the windiest days with me! The kind of wind that brings tears to your eyes! But, we got some beautiful pictures and I think they are just adorable! 

The Dean Family

Families, MaternityLaura KittrellComment

I got to take photos of this family when that oldest little boy was really little! I can't believe how much Joshua has grown, and now they have added Kathryn to their family. They are about to have their third and decided not to find out what they are having! I cannot wait to take pictures when they are officially a family of five! They are such a beautiful family, and Carrie looks so precious with her baby bump! In just a few weeks we will take newborn photos of baby number three, and I am so excited!! James and Carrie, enjoy your last couple of weeks with just two kiddos! :)  

Baby Hattie

Newborns, Family, FamiliesLaura KittrellComment

This little girl was such an angel during her session. I have known Jonathan for several years, and it was so good to meet his sweet wife, Kristen, and of course their two precious children. Hattie honestly slept through almost her entire session....not to mention sleeping through daddy and big brother playing and wrestling! :) She was a dream! Also, can we talk about how amazing Kristen looks...and also this was her second natural obviously she is a rockstar! :) Thank you Kristen and Jonathan for letting me capture your sweet family of four!! Your babies are just beautiful!! 

The Taul Family

FamiliesLaura KittrellComment

I was so excited to get to take pictures of this sweet family! They were my first family session of 2017, and how precious are they? I had only gotten to see Freddy and Whitney's precious kiddos on Facebook, so to have them in front of the camera with all of their personality was just too much!! Thank you Taul family!! 

Ok...and this last photo...Whitney was the best. She was so relaxed about having pictures done. By the end the kids were melting and just done (totally normal!!) and we wanted one of them with Whitney....they were melting, but I love this because it is such a pictures of motherhood and raising I right? Whitney, you are just beautiful and such a sweet mama! 

Favorites from 2016

Bridals, Engagements, Families, Maternity, Newborns, Photography, Portraits, WeddingsLaura KittrellComment

I cannot adequately express my gratitude to all of my sweet clients in 2016. I have truly been so blessed by so many. As I was going through all of the many sessions, weddings, and special events I had the privilege of photographing this year, I felt so thankful. I had the opportunity to shoot countless families, lots of weddings, a few births, and so many other special memories. 

This was my first full year both working and being a mama. So many of my first weddings in 2016 I spent breaks in the back of my car pumping (haha). Many of you were kind enough to reschedule if my little one was sick. I cannot get over the grace that I was shown. 

Thank you so much to those of you who have allowed me to be a small part of your memories. Thank you to those who have come back year after year to let me take photos of your precious families. Thank you to those who let me be in the room as you gave birth. Thank you to my sweet couples who allowed me to be with you through your engagement and your wedding days. I am overwhelmed by how this little business has grown. 

To those of you that I get the privilege of serving in 2017, I am so excited!! Thank you for entrusting me to capture  your most priceless memories! 

Enjoy a few of my favorites from this year......It was tough to narrow it down! :) 

Welcoming Baby Ellie

Families, NewbornsLaura KittrellComment

The Waite family is so precious! They are dear friends of ours, and I had the privilege of documenting the first year of that curly-headed big sister, so I was thrilled I got to take photos as they welcomed Baby Ellie to the family. Y'all, this little girl is almost 6 months old, so clearly I am a little behind on blogging. But, I loved taking these so much and just had to share! Aren't they a beautiful family? Oh, and this was just a week after having amazing does Caitlyn look?!? Pretty mama! 

Baby Rowan

Newborns, FamiliesLaura KittrellComment

Photos of this little boy are long overdue! I got to take his big brothers newborn photos a couple of years ago, so I was super excited to find out Whitney was expecting another baby boy! He was so perfect during his newborn shoot. He barely made a peep! Big brother was super sweet as well! I am so grateful when people allow me to take photos as their families grow! It's such an honor! He is the perfect addition to their sweet family!

The Birth of James Eric Jr.

FamiliesLaura KittrellComment

It is with tears that I share this next birth. Two in one's such a privilege. I don't get to shoot a lot of births, mainly because not many want to let you in on such a personal event, but this one is extra special. This is my bother and sister-in-law. They have three little girls, and this fourth baby brought them a baby boy!! You will hear at the beginning, but we were all together when we found out it was a boy!! We were so excited.

We had hopes that I would get to be there, but they live in Georgia and with a natural delivery and it being the fourth baby we had no idea if I would be able to make it! Well, this little one wanted me there apparently, because he was four days late! :) I was so grateful that I got to capture James entering the world. He is such a loved little boy! Lindsey did incredible during labor, and Eric was an awesome help. Even when it is family I count it a privilege to be able to be in the delivery room!! Thank you Eric and Linds! This little boy is the perfect addition to your family! :)