Laura Kittrell Photography


A Shower for Evelyn

PersonalLaura KittrellComment

Our little girl has been so incredibly blessed with so many showers over the last couple of months. Sweet parents from my school, the staff at my school, Brett's work, and family have been so kind, and shown us so much love! This particular shower was thrown by my sister and sister-in-law. I am certain my mom helped a good bit as well! There were so many sweet details, so many sweet friends who came, so much good food, and precious gifts!

We like a monogram around here.... :) 

These cakes were so beautiful, and also incredibly delicious! They were from Ellen Jay . many sweet details! There were little birds eggs everywhere that my sister had decorated lots of different ways! 

Sweet prayer cards for my girl

The food was incredible!! Homemade muffins, fruit, a grits bar, and lots more! 

So thankful for all the friends who were able to come!

Love this friend who is due just days before me!! :)

And I had to include a sweet picture of this precious niece!! Love sweet Sadie!


Mangs, Linds, mom, and all who came....thank you so much! THANK YOU for taking the time to come. Thank you for all of the sweet details, and all that y'all did to prepare! Brett and I were so blessed and overwhelmed! We cannot wait for Evelyn to meet everyone!

A Little Baby Update

PersonalLaura Kittrell2 Comments

Man oh man! Long time no talk! Hoping to get lots of photography posts together for when this baby comes! I have so much I would love to share! It has been challenging trying to finish up school, finish weddings/shoots, edit, and finish preparing for baby girls arrival! Plus, being almost 37 weeks has presented lots of exhaustion! :)


I also want to share about my showers and share pictures of her nursery! It is finished and it probably my favorite room in our house!

A few weeks ago my sweet husband and I went down to the beach and he took some maternity pictures of me. We also used the tripod and got a couple of the two of us. It's tough to be the photographer. I am sure that one day when we have more than one child or even when Evelyn is older, we will have to get someone else to take some for us! :) Although we have mastered the self timer, and Brett has gotten pretty good with the camera! I love how they have turned out! 

At 37 weeks I am feeling a little more uncomfortable than I have been! I am still sleeping well, and am so thankful for that! I feel so blessed that I have had a good pregnancy and really felt so great for the most part! I am still feeling her move all around, but can certainly tell my body is getting ready to have this little girl soon! could still be 3 or 4 weeks away! :)

Her laundry is done...thank you notes are bags are mostly packed....and now we are just waiting!

Mostly, I am just incredibly thankful! I am thankful for sweet family and friends who have showered us with so much love and support! I am thankful for a healthy baby girl who is growing! I am thankful for every kick that I get to feel! I am thankful for a husband who is so supportive and sweet! I am thankful for his excitement! It is precious!


We are so grateful to the Lord for giving us this sweet blessing! We are so undeserving of such a special gift! God is so so good!

Baby girl, we cannot wait to meet you!

It's A.......

Uncategorized, LBK, Life, he and she, PersonalLaura Kittrell3 Comments

I completely planned to post some photography related posts before now. However, between sickness, school, and everything else....I just have not felt like it. But, yesterday is a day worth sharing about. Brett and I went to the doctor to find out if this sweet baby growing inside me is a boy or a girl. It was such a special day. We made a little video to share the news with our family.....

It's a GIRL! I was obviously shocked. As you can tell by my outfit.....I was thinking team boy all the way! It still hasn't quite set in that it is a girl! But...we are thrilled and praising God for a healthy baby!!