But really....I signed up for all of it. I signed up for the smiles, cries, sleepless nights, day to day routine, milestones, the good, and the bad. There are days when it is so challenging. There are days when I climb into bed and think....what did I do today? But y'all....what a privilege to be a mama. What a hard, wonderful, exhausting, sanctifying privilege it is! I just finished reading the book, "The Practice of the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence, and what a gift. The stories of his life and how he learned to just be in and aware of the Lord's presence throughout his days was so good for me to read about. There are days where I go through my routines and feel like it is the same every single day. Wake up, make breakfast, play, nap time, laundry, cleaning, fix lunch, play, nap time, dinner, play, bath, bedtime, repeat.
"The dear brother remarked that we must give ourselves totally to God in both temporal and spiritual affairs. Our only happiness should come from doing God's will, whether it brings us some pain or great pleasure."
Yes! I should be joyful all the time throughout my day because this is the work that God has given me to do!
"The most effective way Brother Lawrence had for communicating with God was to simply do his ordinary work. He did this obediently, out of a pure love of God, purifying it as much as was humanly possible. He believed it was a serious mistake to think of our prayer time as being different from any other. Our actions should unite us with God when we are involved in our daily activities, just as our prayers unite us with Him in our quiet devotion."
This has so helped me. Am I going through my daily routines because it is what I have to do? Do I do my tasks with a grateful and joyful heart? Sometimes....I do. But there are days that I don't. I should be doing my work out of a love for the Lord. Since becoming a mom, I have found myself lifting up prayers more continually throughout my days. Somedays my time with Him looks different than others. But, I have really tried to practice being in His presence and dwelling with Him during my days, and not just for the 30-45 minutes I have with Him in the morning. Because really......I NEED Him all day. I need His grace, and I need to be in communion with Him.