Brett and I decided that by October we would try clomid which causes ovulation. I had gotten the prescription filled and was just waiting until the day that I could take it. One morning I was praying and reading my Bible, and I felt that God told me to be patient. He basically asked me, "Are you going to trust me or medicine?" Of course, I thought I had been trusting Him through this last year and a half. I had waited and really did not know why I needed to wait longer. I had been studying the life of Moses in BSF and it was all about Moses waiting. I was learning that waiting was a time for me to draw closer to God. In the lecture I had heard that night before I was supposed to take the clomid, I heard, "When He calls us to a new harder obedience.....I have to remember His provision, enablement, mercy, deliverance, salvation, etc." I knew that even though it was hard, I had to be obedient. I didn't take the medicine and waited. I will say, there really was not anything in me that thought I would get pregnant because I was being obedient. Honestly, I just assumed I was going to learn something in the waiting. I was just trying to trust His timing and trust that He was faithful in EVERY situation.
In November, I took progesterone to trigger my monthly friend. I planned to continue to pray and take clomid if I felt like that was what God told me to do. I was planning on taking it and waiting and waiting for my period. Well, after lots of waiting, I decided to take a pregnancy test. I didn't want to, because I didn't want to see another negative one. Well, I took one and amazingly enough I saw two pink lines. I couldn't even believe it!! I cried and cried and cried! I just remember feeling so grateful and just praising God for His faithfulness! Later I took two more because let's be honest, it is really nice to see a positive test when you have seen so many negative ones! :)
Brett has an early Bible study on Friday mornings, but I knew I couldn't wait all day to tell him. I drove down and took him breakfast when he got out. We were both so excited! Over the last weeks we have had the joy of telling our parents and close friends! I was amazed at the love that people have shown us and the excitement! It is all so overwhelming!